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This is a document issued by a government agency certifying a building's compliance with applicable building codes and other laws, and also indicating it to be in a condition suitable for occupancy. It is evidence that the building complies substantially with the plans and specifications that have been submitted to, and approved by the government authority.

Some persons bear in mind that the clogs in securing building plan approvals are too demanding financially and prefer to direct available funds to the construction proper. However, the purpose of obtaining a building plan permit approval is to prove that, according to the law, the house or building is in habitable condition. Here in Lagos State, obtaining a building plan permit is generally required whenever there is:

Ø  New Construction/Development- Newly constructed buildings usually need to apply for a building plan permit.

Ø  Renovation –For changes or improvements to be carried out on a building, a new building plan permit is usually required;

Ø  Re-validation - after expiration of 2 years of obtaining permits without commencement of construction, the builder is required to re validate all existing documents for approval before commencing construction;

Ø  Demolition/Major Construction - For constructions that can change the occupancy of the property or that changes the way in which you exit the property.


After the full ownership of the land has been resolved either by purchase, transfer or inheritance, an architect or designer has to be commissioned as suggested by the Nigerian building code.

The next step is to visit the local planning authority within whose jurisdiction the land is located with a copy of the architectural drawing with emphasis on the site plan, floor plans and section for vetting by the principal technical officer who by training should have an apt understanding of spatial relationships and space sub-division as an architect as well as also having a full understanding of the basic rules on setbacks, height restrictions and floor area that can be developed within any site, within the scope of the jurisdiction of the office.

This step is targeted to verify the conformity of the design to the approval standards and order of development that the jurisdiction has defined with a view to eliminating wastage of funds for the production of five copies of the design which might have to be corrected. Once the principal technical officer indicates conformity of the design to basic standards, you can authorize your architect or designer to further produce the remaining duplicate copies.

The District Officer of the district Town Planning office grants permits within their areas of jurisdiction with clearance from and concurrence approval of the General Manager, Permanent secretary, Hon. Commissioner for  Ministry of physical planning & Urban Development (MPP&UD) and His Excellency, the Governor , where applicable.


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