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Regularization of title to land is the process of granting title to those who have erroneously purchased uncommitted Government acquisition.

The Lagos State Government land regularization exercise is not aimed at confiscating property without valid title but to ensure that all property falling within un-committed government acquisition are properly documented and granted legal title where applicable.

For unsuspicious members of the public who have encroached on a Lagos State Government Land, there is a window of opportunity to get a valid tile on such a land which is known as Regularization, the policy avails buyers of uncommitted Government Land the opportunity to obtain legal title to the land based on two main conditions.  It is also the process of allocating Government land to someone who previously occupied landed property without lawful authority from the State Government.

 Firstly, that the land is not situated within a Government Scheme, Estate or Committed Area; and Secondly, that the land is situated within an area that conforms with Urban and Regional Planning regulations and standards of the State (the appropriate distances from drainage systems, canals, oil and gas pipelines, PHCN transformers, high tension wires, electricity and telephone poles, water pipelines is observed, the beacons on the survey plan conforms with what is on the subject site and that the subject site does not fall on road alignments and is not within forest reserve).

To ascertain the status of land, a Land Information Certificate must be obtained from the Office of the Surveyor General. The certificate is the result of a search done on the land which will show if such a land is any of (A) Under Acquisition but Not Committed, (B) Under Acquisition and Committed or (C) Not under Acquisition. Regularization is required for category A, category B is out of bounds to anybody while category C does not require regularization.

Apart from titles to land, the Directorate of Land Regularization is also charged with the responsibility of processing applications for the grant of building plan approvals in a situation where structures have already been erected on the land.

The conditions precedents for regularisation are that:
  • The subject site must not fall within a Committed Government Acquisition.
  • The subject site must not fall within an existing Forest Reserve or Agricultural Land Use.
  • The subject site must not fall on road alignment.
  • The appropriate Setback must be observed.
  • The appropriate distances from Drainage Systems, Canals, Oil and Gas Pipelines, Electricity Substation, High Tension Power Line, Electricity and Telephone poles, Water Pipelines, etc., as laid down by Physical Planning and Town Planning Laws must be observed.
  • The subject site must fall within the permitted Regularisation Area
·          A covering letter by the agent or person filing the application for regularization must accompany the application. This covering letter should contain the following contact details of the applicant: address, telephone numbers, and mobile phone numbers and where possible an e-mail address.
·         A duly completed application made on (Land Regularisation Form 1) obtainable from the Lands Bureau. The Form must be dated and signed by the applicant and sworn to before a magistrate or notary public.
·         Four passport sized photographs of the applicant
·         Land Information Certificate
·         Photocopy of Purchase Receipt duly stamped
·         Current Special Development Levy N100.
·         Evidence of payment of Income Tax
·         Sketch Map of Site Location
·         Three Original Survey Plans.
·         Photocopy of Proof of Identity (national ID card, driving license, Voter card, or the data page of international passport).
·         Letter of Authority (if the application is filed by a person other than the applicant)
In a situation where a building has been erected on the land, the additional requirements are as follows:
·         5 Sets of Architectural Drawings
·         5 Sets of Structural Drawings
·         Clearance Letter in lieu of Title Documents Sun print Copy Of Survey Plan
·         COREN Letter of Supervision
·         Sworn Affidavit in Lieu of Tenement Rate
·         EIA report if land Title to be granted is commercial (2Copies)
·         Payment of processing fee for building plan approval
·         Photograph of property


v  STAGE 1   :  Applicant submits application for regularization to the Directorate of Land                          
                      Regularization for processing.
v  STAGE 2  :  The Directorate of Land Regularization will chart the survey Plan and
                      Thereafter carryout site inspection of the land.
v  STAGE 3   :  If the report of inspection is approved, the Directorate of Land
                     Regularization further progression is by raising a demand notice for
                           Necessary payments.
v  STAGE 4  :  Upon payment of necessary Land Charges evidenced by Treasury receipt,
                     The Directorate of Land Regularization prepares the letter of allocation
                     For processing the Certificate of Occupancy and forward same to the
                     Executive Secretary, Land Use and Allocation Directorate for endorsement
                    And thereafter release request to the applicant.
v  STAGE 5  :  The applicant’s file containing the Certificate of Occupancy is sent through
                      The Permanent Secretary to the Hon. Attorney General and Commissioner
                      For Justice for Endorsement.
v  STAGE 6  :   The Certificate of Occupancy is further processed for stamp duty and

                             Registration and released to the applicant.


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