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The state government has warned landowners and property owners to be wary of fake and cloned Certificates of Occupancy. Before you buy any property in Lagos ensure that the documents are genuine. There are many cloned certificates of occupancy and other titled documents in circulation.
These are tricks that scam artists use in luring unsuspecting landowners and property buyers into their web. One way they do this is by cloning and forging Certificates of Occupancy. Some of them even go as far as using the fake certificates to obtain loans from banks and other credit finance organisations.
Many of those who perpetrate this fraud do it through third Legal Mortgages, which is executed without the need for the physical appearance of a guarantor. The end goal of this scam is to obtain bank loans without collateral.
The Lagos State Police command arrested a 64-year-old man suspected to be specialized in using fake Certificates of Occupancy to stand as a surety for unsuspecting accused persons. It was stated that the suspect was arrested after presenting a fake C of O to stand as a surety for a retired navy captain who was being detained over an alleged fraud.

There is, therefore, a need to carry out proper authentication of Certificates of Occupancy from the authorized government agency.  Members of the public are once again reminded that the Lagos State Lands Registry should always be contacted for searches and verification to ascertain the authenticity of such Certificates of Occupancy. Deploring the trend, the government assured that new Certificates of Occupancy would soon be officially launched to effectively tackle the fraudulent practice.


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