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1.      Proof of Ownership Of Land (With Certificate of occupancy or Governors Consent Document Where Necessary):

This is a form of receipt or deed of agreement with which the land owner claims the property. Land can be transferred, out-rightly bought or inherited. The title to the land may be a certificate of occupancy (CofO)  an official document that acknowledges the right to ownership of a certain property. It is proof that the governor of the state has obliged his consent and is aware that a right of possession has been given to the individual, corporate entity or group of persons to whom a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. Or Governor’s Consent which is issued by the Governor of the state who decides the direction of development in the state as provided by the land use act of 1978. To that effect, any land acquired after 1978, will require a governors consent document for the ownership claim to be recognized.

2.    Sets of Relevant Drawings (Architectural, Electrical, and Structural):

This is perhaps the most important document when applying for building plan approval because it contains the ideal information for which application is sought. The architectural drawings provide the evidence of spatial consideration used by the architect or designer to provide the spaces requested by the client. The spaces are expected to flow into each other and be compatible. As much as possible, the spaces should be ordered such that the interior micro climate of the spaces are thermally comfortable by providing cross ventilation where possible and paying attention to the location of rooms with respect to the cardinal points. He also checks to see the conformity of the design to basic regulations of offsets from the property line which is expected to be 3 meters from property line and 6 meters from the road. These are some of the information that the vetting officer will check when he inspects the drawing in plan, section and elevation. It is expected that only about 60% of the land should be developed, the remaining 40% provide air spaces, and circulation.

3.    Survey Plan with Proof of registration:

This is a document that shows the accurately determined terrestrial position of points, distances and angles between them. It is used to establish land maps and boundaries for ownership or governmental purposes. Land survey plan documents in Nigeria are usually produced by professional and registered surveyor where the blue copy is handed to the client and the red copy is sent to the office of the surveyor general for documentation.


After the processing fee would have been prepared by the clerical staff, and the payments made, the client or client’s representative is expected to advance to the accounting department to convert all tellers obtained from banks into treasury receipts which is the only acceptable document recognized by the development permit departments. These receipts are in three different categories; the treasury receipt for the payment of the processing fee, the receipts for payment of the 10% LGA and development levy.


This is an evidence of responsibility to the government. A tax clearance certificate is always requested when an application for building plan approval is embarked on. In recent times, the tax clearance certificate is electronically driven and only a photocopy of the document is required as an essential document to be presented to the clerical officer.

Typical delays in getting a building plan approval stems from tax and structural drawing papers as well as loopholes in tax documents. It is therefore, advisable that you get familiar in advance with the required documents as some of these will take some time to obtain and also make sure your tax papers are up to date.

What’s more, getting the final approval usually varies with different construction sizes. Nonetheless, you can simply employ the services of an  agent, consultant, Architect, Surveyor or any other knowledgeable member of your building team to process your building plan approval on your behalf.


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