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E- Planning Permit is the new building permit software currently being test run in some District Offices across Lagos state. It is aimed at making developing permits easier and faster by use of computer systems which evaluate and process building applications. The Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA) was established by Lagos State Urban and Regional Planning and Development Law, 2010 as one of the Agencies/ Parastatal under the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development (MPP&UD).

The following documents and payment are required for the processing of e-Planning Permit:
    1. Part-Processing Fee: For Document Verification /Screening Applicant is to pay a non-refundable fee;
    2. Payment of Balance of Processing Fee: Applicant is to pay a specified amount before application can be processed. The amount will be determined after customer has passed the screening stage and Part-Processing Fee will be deducted;
    3. Receipts of Processing/Assessment fees and other statutory charges payable.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  2. Land Titles: Evidence of Land Ownership/Title Document duly certified by Lands Department which could be:
    1. Certificate of Occupancy / Land Certificate;
    2. Governor's Consent  (lease or assignment/land conveyance/ any other instrument) recognized by law;
    3. Sun print copy of Survey Plan;
    4. Former Owner’s Title in case of Governor’s Consent (Root of Title);
    5. All Evidence of Payment for Title Document Processing;
    6. Evidence of payment of land use charge;
    7. Certificate of Incorporation of Company (where applicable).
  3. Tax Papers: Evidence of payment of Company and Personal Taxes;
    1. For Individuals, Current e-Tax Clearance Certificate
    2. For Company and Corporate bodies;
      1. Company Tax Clearance (CTC);
      2. e - Tax Clearance Certificates for 2 (Two) Directors;
      3. Evidence of P.A.Y.E. returns.
  4. CLEARANCE FROM OTHER Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAS):                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Letters of Clearance from the following Government Agencies duly certified (Where applicable). These include:
    1. Land Use and Allocation Directorate -All State lands and Government Schemes;
    2. Land Services Department - For Governor's consent and Subsequent transaction on landed properties;
    3. Ministry of Transportation -In case of Properties within the proposed Metro line corridor, traffic generating activities;
    4. Ministry of Environment - Office of Drainage for Applications within drainage alignment, gorge, flood plains / water bodies, lagoon, shoreline, Environmental Impact Assessment Clearance e.t.c;
    5. Lagos State Urban Renewal Authority- Applications which fall within Urban Renewal Scheme Areas;
    6. Lagos State Surveyor General's Office -Applications that fall within acquisition, revocation and excision areas;
    7. New Towns Development Authority- Letter of Confirmation of allocation and Capital Contribution.
  1. FOR PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL STANDARD FOR THE DESIGNS          Please refer to the following Document:
    1. Lagos State Urban and Regional Planning and Development Law;
    2. Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Regulations;
    3. Model City Plans Approval Orders;
    4. Operative Approval Orders on Approved Layout Plans.


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